3 important facts
Tottenham Central, Haringey

Noise Pollution in St. Loy's Road, London, N17 6UA

Traffic Noise

Road Traffic Noise 4 yards away

The location is likely to be exposed to road Traffic noise.
Expected average noise level is 55.0-59.9 db.

Rail Traffic Noise 11 yards away

The location is also likely to be exposed to rail Traffic noise.
Expected average noise level is 55.0-59.9 db.

We use Lden dataset (day–evening–night noise level) for traffic noise mapping. Lden indicates a 24-hour annual average noise level with separate weightings for the evening and night periods.

Data source: Defra2020

Aircraft Noise

The address is unlikely to be affected by aircraft noise.

Other Sources of Noise

Fire station 84 yards away

Tottenham Fire Station is identified within 84 yards away from St. Loy's Road, London, N17 6UA.

This may result in potential noise disturbances from emergency vehicles.

Nearby locations

  • Moorefield Road, London, N17 6PY
  • High Road, London, N17 6QA
  • Forster Road, London, N17 6QD
  • Kings Parade, High Road, London, N17 6QL
  • St. Loy's Road, London, N17 6UB
  • Holcombe Road, London, N17 9AA
  • Stoneleigh Road, London, N17 9BF
Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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