7 important facts
Golders Green, Barnet

Household Type in Finchley Road, London, NW11 0AA

Main household type

Multiple families or unrelated people33%13%

Higher than average

Multiple families or unrelated people33%13%

Lower than average

Single-family: all aged 66 and over0.5%4%
Single-family: no children10%14%
Single-family: with dependent children19%27%
Single-family: with non-dependent children6%11%
Immediate area
Average for London

Household Type

Multiple families or unrelated people 33%
One-person household 29%
Single-family: with dependent children 19%
Single-family: no children 10%
Single-family: with non-dependent children 6%
Single-family: other 2.6%
Single-family: all aged 66 and over 0.5%

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

The address Finchley Road, London, NW11 0AA is situated within the Immediate Area, which displays distinctive household type characteristics:

The main household type is Multiple families or unrelated people, representing 33% of the population. On average, 13% of the population in London belong to the Multiple families or unrelated people household type.

The following household types have proportions higher than the average for the London:

  • Multiple families or unrelated people: 33% (London average: 13%)

Conversely, the following household types have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • Single-family: all aged 66 and over: 0.5% (London average: 4%)
  • Single-family: no children: 10% (London average: 14%)
  • Single-family: with dependent children: 19% (London average: 27%)
  • Single-family: with non-dependent children: 6% (London average: 11%)

Nearby locations

  • Gibbons Mews, London, NW11 0BL
  • Hayes Crescent, London, NW11 0DE
  • Hallswelle Road, London, NW11 0DH
  • Hallswelle Parade, Finchley Road, London, NW11 0DL
  • Bridge Way, London, NW11 0QY
  • Finchley Road, London, NW11 6BB
  • Belmont Parade, Finchley Road, London, NW11 6XP

Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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