Know the neighbourhood behind the postcode
Make sure you have all the facts before you buy or rent a property in the UK
Type in address or drop a pin on the map
Providing you with all the facts
Find honest, unbiased information on your prospective area before you commit

Noise pollution can impact sleep and quality of life. Find the truth about noise levels before you decide to move
- Traffic Noise
- Aircraft Noise
- Emergency service stations and A&E noise
- Nightclubs, churches and other considerations

Our social interactions shape our lives. Understand the demographic of your new area before you move
- Ethnic group
- Religion
- Household type
- Residents age

The financial standing of an area is a key indicator of quality of life and safety. Understand the affluence around your prospective area
- Income of the local households
- Deprivation level
- Social grades of the local residents
- Qualification levels of the local residents

Crime occurs everywhere but varies in frequency and severity. Understand the crime levels before you decide to move
- Crime rates on the map and in graphs
- Crime hotspots on the map
- Most common crimes eg. anti-social behaviour, burglary, drugs etc.
- Last month to last year criminal activity in a neighbourhood

Environmental issues can affect health, insurance, and safety. Make sure you see the full picture
- Nitrogen dioxide levels a.k.a car exhaust
- Particle matter pollution (dust)
- Flood risk from rivers or the sea

Transport links are critical for commuting to work and maintaining a social life. Find out about the local links before making your decision
- The distance from any address to nearby transport stations
- Connectivity to public transport
- Travel zone
- Performance and Reliability of London underground lines

Convenience is important in all our lives. Find out what facilities are available near you before you move
- Supermarkets, convenience stores
- Restaurants, cafes
- Bars, pubs, clubs
- Pharmacies
- GP surgeries

A good education is crucial for a bright and successful future. Find out if the schools near your prospective postcode meet your expectations
- Most recent Ofsted rating
- Basic info like admission policy, school type, pupil gender etc.
- Current pupils’ exam results and other success measures

Noise pollution can impact sleep and quality of life. Find the truth about noise levels before you decide to move
- Traffic Noise
- Aircraft Noise
- Emergency service stations and A&E noise
- Nightclubs, churches and other considerations

Our social interactions shape our lives. Understand the demographic of your new area before you move
- Ethnic group
- Religion
- Household type
- Residents age

The financial standing of an area is a key indicator of quality of life and safety. Understand the affluence around your prospective area
- Income of the local households
- Deprivation level
- Social grades of the local residents
- Qualification levels of the local residents

Crime occurs everywhere but varies in frequency and severity. Understand the crime levels before you decide to move
- Crime rates on the map and in graphs
- Crime hotspots on the map
- Most common crimes eg. anti-social behaviour, burglary, drugs etc.
- Last month to last year criminal activity in a neighbourhood

Environmental issues can affect health, insurance, and safety. Make sure you see the full picture
- Nitrogen dioxide levels a.k.a car exhaust
- Particle matter pollution (dust)
- Flood risk from rivers or the sea

Transport links are critical for commuting to work and maintaining a social life. Find out about the local links before making your decision
- The distance from any address to nearby transport stations
- Connectivity to public transport
- Travel zone
- Performance and Reliability of London underground lines

Convenience is important in all our lives. Find out what facilities are available near you before you move
- Supermarkets, convenience stores
- Restaurants, cafes
- Bars, pubs, clubs
- Pharmacies
- GP surgeries

A good education is crucial for a bright and successful future. Find out if the schools near your prospective postcode meet your expectations
- Most recent Ofsted rating
- Basic info like admission policy, school type, pupil gender etc.
- Current pupils’ exam results and other success measures

Noise pollution can impact sleep and quality of life. Find the truth about noise levels before you decide to move
- Traffic Noise
- Aircraft Noise
- Emergency service stations and A&E noise
- Nightclubs, churches and other considerations
Unfiltered truth for a better decision
Honest information
We provide unbiased information so you can make an informed decision
On your side
Our data focuses on what you need to know - we deal in truth not sales
Specific to you
We provide street level statistics for the postcode unique to your search
We are free
Our service is 100% free for all our visitors
Our users say
"I stumbled across this site while I was looking for schools for my son. It wasn’t until I had a good look around that I realised how many other considerations I should be making. This site really helps to make a smart decision rather than just jumping in like I nearly did!"
"I found Crystal Roof because I was tired of ‘sales speak’. I know there are good and bad points in every area, but no one wanted to speak about the negatives. Here, I was able to find all the facts I needed to make the right decision for me."
"I was considering relocating and struggled to find any websites that weren’t trying to take an angle or steer me in a certain direction. This site provided the information I needed as it is!"
"As someone with a busy social life, finding a good gym and local bars and restaurants was important to me when I was looking around for a new place to rent. I found all the information I needed right here quickly and easily for my new address not a general area."
"Research is important to me. I don’t like to just accept a deal until I’ve had a chance to look around properly and weigh up my options. This site is great for providing no nonsense facts and figures that let me decide what’s important and what’s not."
"I stumbled across this site while I was looking for schools for my son. It wasn’t until I had a good look around that I realised how many other considerations I should be making. This site really helps to make a smart decision rather than just jumping in like I nearly did!"
"I found Crystal Roof because I was tired of ‘sales speak’. I know there are good and bad points in every area, but no one wanted to speak about the negatives. Here, I was able to find all the facts I needed to make the right decision for me."
"I was considering relocating and struggled to find any websites that weren’t trying to take an angle or steer me in a certain direction. This site provided the information I needed as it is!"
"As someone with a busy social life, finding a good gym and local bars and restaurants was important to me when I was looking around for a new place to rent. I found all the information I needed right here quickly and easily for my new address not a general area."
"Research is important to me. I don’t like to just accept a deal until I’ve had a chance to look around properly and weigh up my options. This site is great for providing no nonsense facts and figures that let me decide what’s important and what’s not."
"I stumbled across this site while I was looking for schools for my son. It wasn’t until I had a good look around that I realised how many other considerations I should be making. This site really helps to make a smart decision rather than just jumping in like I nearly did!"