St Catherine's College
General Info
- Education Phase
- Secondary
- Ofsted rating
- Good Nov 19 2019 Ofsted report
- Gender
- Mixed
- Age range
- 11 - 16 y.o.
- Type
- Academies
- Funding
- State-funded secondary
- Admissions policy
- Non-selective
- Religious Character
- Church of England
- Sixth Form
- Does not have a sixth form
- Local authority
- East Sussex
- Unique reference
- 143035
- Address
- Priory Road, BN23 7BL
- Number of Pupils
- 1086 (96% of total capacity)
- Boys
- 50.8%
- Girls
- 49.2%
- First language not English
- 7.2%
- Free school meals (FSM)
- 23.1%
- Persistent absence
- 27.1%
- Special education needs (SEN)
- 8.4%
White British 80%
Mixed 8.4%
Other White 5.3%
African 1.7%
Unclassified 1.2%
Other 0.9%
Irish 0.5%
Indian 0.5%
Bangladeshi 0.5%
Other Asian 0.4%
Chinese 0.3%
Pakistani 0.2%
Other Black 0.1%
Exam Results
GCSE Results
Progress 8 score
- This school
- 0.09
- Local authority average, state-funded schools
- -0.18
- England average, state-funded schools
- -0.03
Entering EBacc
School 40%
Local authority average 39%
England average 40%
Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs
School 51%
Local authority average 43%
England average 46%
Attainment 8 score
School 48.1
Local authority average 43.1
England average 45.9
EBacc average point score
School 4.21
Local authority average 3.84
England average 4.07
GCSE Subjects
Subject | Qualification | Number of entries |
Art & Design (Fine Art) | GCSE | 20 |
Art & Design (3d Studies) | GCSE | 18 |
Biology | GCSE | 59 |
Chemistry | GCSE | 59 |
Chinese | GCSE | 2 |
Computer Studies/Computing | GCSE | 60 |
Design & Technology | GCSE | 21 |
Dance | GCSE | 17 |
English Language | GCSE | 209 |
English Literature | GCSE | 207 |
St Catherine's College
- Admission Policy
- Non-selective
- Total available places
- 214
- Status
- Oversubscribed
- 1st preference
- 266
- 2nd preference
- 146
- 3rd preference
- 63
- From another Local Authority
- 0
- 1st preference
- 205
- 2nd preference
- 9
- 3rd preference
- 0
- To another Local Authority
- 0
Class sizes
Class type | Class size |
Average size of one-teacher classes | 24.7 |
Cohort sizes
Class type | Total Boys Girls |
Year 7 | 222 101 121 |
Year 8 | 214 119 95 |
Year 9 | 220 110 110 |
Year 10 | 216 100 116 |
Year 11 | 214 122 92 |
Participation in Education, Training, Employment
Destinations after GCSEs | School LA England |
Staying in education | 84.0% 86.0% 86.0% |
Further education | 48.0% 42.7% 35.4% |
School sixth form | 0.0% 14.3% 36.6% |
Sixth form college | 34.0% 27.7% 13.0% |
Other education destinations | 2.0% 1.2% 0.9% |
Entering employment | 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% |
Entering apprenticeships | 4.0% 2.5% 3.2% |
Not in education or employment | 7.0% 6.2% 5.8% |
Destination unknown | 0.0% 0.4% 1.0% |
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