11 important facts

Area insights about Oxford, local authority district


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Includes low-income areas, areas of average wealth and wealthy areas 3/10 - 9/10


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Composed of non-deprived areas by 59%

Professional occupations

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Average % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 5/10

Residents with degrees

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High % of residents are degree-educated or similar 8/10


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Medium crime rate 6/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 53%
Main religion
No Religion 39%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 38%
Main household type
One-person household 29%
Oxford (LAD)
Average for South East


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  • 32.9% of the area is affected by Traffic noise


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The area is served by the transport links:

  • National Rail
    • Chiltern Railways
    • Cross Country
    • Great Western Railway

Outside London, only National Rail stations are included


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59 mainstream schools

  • Outstanding: 2 schools or 3%
  • Good: 39 schools or 66%
  • Primary schools: 42 (1 Outstanding, 29 Good)
  • Secondary schools: 22 (1 Outstanding, 7 Good)
  • State-funded: 39 schools or 66%
  • Private: 17 schools or 29%

Flood risk

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Contains areas that are at risk of flood

Resident reviews

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reviewer, Dec 3 2023

Abberbury Road, OX4 4ET

There aren't too many amenities in the actual village it self but those that are around are all in a 0.5 mile radius of each other. However, there are many things nearby. It'...


8.0Great for city centre and commute

G, Jan 27 2024

Osney Lane, OX1 1LE

Great transport links close to railway station but also close the city centre, schools, and green areas.


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  • Affluence
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Noise
  • Transport
  • Amenities
  • Schools
  • Environment
  • Reviews