11 important facts

Area insights about Redbridge, borough


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Includes low-income areas, areas of average wealth and wealthy areas 4/10 - 9/10


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Composed of non-deprived areas by 32%

Professional occupations

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Average % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 5/10

Residents with degrees

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High % of residents are degree-educated or similar 7/10


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Low crime rate 3/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 23%
Main religion
Muslim 31%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 30%
Main household type
Single-family: with dependent children 32%
Redbridge (borough)
Average for London


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  • 37% of the area is affected by Traffic noise


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The area is served by the transport links:

  • Underground
    • Central
  • Elizabeth Line
    • elizabeth
  • National Rail
    • Greater Anglia


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84 mainstream schools

  • Outstanding: 16 schools or 19%
  • Good: 52 schools or 62%
  • Primary schools: 66 (14 Outstanding, 40 Good)
  • Secondary schools: 20 (5 Outstanding, 12 Good)
  • State-funded: 73 schools or 87%
  • Private: 11 schools or 13%

Flood risk

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Contains areas that are at risk of flood

Resident reviews

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9.2 safe, inclusive and close to…

essex123, Jun 30 2024

George Lane, E18 1GN

safe, inclusive and close to amenities with quick tube access to central london


6.8 very nice green space, 3 bus routes…

Charlie L., May 7 2024

Windsor Road, E11 3QU

very nice green space, 3 bus routes very nearby (308. 101, W19)


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