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Crime Rates in Worthing, local authority district

Crime Rate



Average 5/10

Last updated: 12.02.2025

Annual total crime rate in Worthing, (local authority district) is 97.1 crimes per thousand resident population. This can be rated as 5 out of 10 or medium crime level compared to other boroughs/local authority districts in England and Wales.

Crime rates in Worthing (local authority district) by type

Violence and sexual offences 31.4 5/10
Shoplifting 18.1 9/10
Anti-social behaviour 13.5 5/10
Public order 8.26 6/10
Criminal damage and arson 7.3 5/10
Other theft 5.22 3/10
Vehicle crime 3.22 3/10
Drugs 2.78 5/10
Burglary 2.04 2/10
Other crime 1.74 4/10
Possession of weapons 1.15 6/10
Bicycle theft 1.03 5/10
Robbery 0.683 3/10
Theft from the person 0.611 3/10

Data source:

Jan 2024 - Dec 2024

Above are annual crime rates in Worthing (local authority district) by crime type.

The figures in black represent the number of crimes of a certain type per thousand resident population in Worthing (local authority district).

The figures in grey indicate the relative ratings of Worthing (local authority district) for a specific crime type compared to other boroughs/local authority districts in England and Wales.

Higher ratings correspond to higher crime rates.

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Historical crime rates in Worthing (local authority district) and South East (region)

Number of crimes per 1000 resident population

  • Worthing
  • South East

Data source:

Crime rate ratings in Worthing (local authority district)

Higher ratings correspond to higher crime rates.

Horizontal: area ratings based on annual total crime rate per 1000 resident population.

Vertical: number of areas

Data source:

Annual total crime rates in local authority districts of Worthing (local authority district)

Ward nameCrime Rate
1. Goring36.5 low
2. Offington51.2 low
3. Marine58.1 low
4. Salvington59.6 low
5. Gaisford62.9 low
6. Broadwater76.1 low
7. Durrington77.2 low
8. Tarring79.1 low
9. Selden83.6 low
10. Northbrook102 low
11. Castle110 low
12. Heene119 medium
13. Central295 high

*annual total crimes per 1000 resident population

Data source:

Jan 2024 - Dec 2024

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