13 important facts

Area insights about Market Square, London, E14 6AQ


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Low-income area 4/10

Deprived area

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Deprivation level 9/10

Professional occupations

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Low % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 3/10

Residents with degrees

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Low % of residents are degree-educated or similar 4/10


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Low crime rate 4/10


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Main ethnic group
Bangladeshi 52%
Main religion
Muslim 61%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 37%
Main household type
Single-family: with dependent children 29%
Immediate area
Average for London


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Noise issues are identified

  • Aircraft Noise


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Average connectivity to public transport 6/9

Amenities within 0.5 miles

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Food stores 10+

  • Co-operative
    30 yards
  • Iceland
    138 yards
  • Tesco
    0.4 miles


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Air quality

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Air quality doesn’t meet EU standards

Flood risk

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Flood risk is identified

Resident reviews

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4.9Good public transport accessibility

Resident of Panoramic Tower, May 26 2024

Hay Currie Street, E14 6FA

Good public transport accessibility to Stratford, Canary Wharf and central London. Demographically inclined to one particular community.


4.9 DLR, Good bus connection with…

Blackwall tunnel, plane noise, no parks and absolutely nothing to do, Mar 7 2023

Blair Street, E14 0PZ

DLR, Good bus connection with canning town. Close to Canary Wharf and Bank. Feels mostly safe. Mostly council housing. Extremely noisy. A12 and East India road are too loud....



Challenged Inner London Communities (Smaller area)

Resident in some of Inner London’s most over-crowded communities, many families have children and marriage/civil partnership rates are above the Supergroup average. Other adults such as students live in communal establishments. Few residents have Level 4 educational qualifications, levels of unemployment are above the Supergroup average, and employment is concentrated in service occupations such as distribution, hotels and restaurants. Relative to the Supergroup average, fewer residents identify as being of mixed/multiple ethnicities, Black or Other Asian.

Social Rented Sector Families with Children (Wider area)

Predominantly located in Inner London, these diverse ethnic communities include many with Black African or Bangladeshi origins. Younger adults, many living with children, predominate, living in flats in the social rented sector.

Residents of these neighbourhoods include sizable numbers identifying with ethnicities originating outside Europe, particularly in Africa or Bangladesh. The proportion of residents identifying as White, Indian or Pakistani is well below the London average. Neighbourhood age profiles are skewed towards younger adults, and above average numbers of families have children. Rates of use of English at home are below average. Marriage rates are low, and levels of separation or divorce are above average. Housing is predominantly in flats, and renting in the social rented sector the norm – few residents are owner occupiers. Housing is often overcrowded, and neighbourhoods are amongst the most densely populated in London. Disability rates are above average, although levels of unpaid care provision are about average. Employment is in caring, leisure, other service occupations, sales and customer service, or process, plant, and machine operation. Part time working and full-time student study are common. Levels of unemployment are slightly above average. Most residents have only Level 1 or 2 educational qualifications or have completed apprenticeships.

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