10 important facts

Area insights about Brackley Way, Basingstoke, RG22 6LP


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Low-income area 4/10

Average deprivation

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Deprivation level 6/10

Professional occupations

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Low % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 3/10

Residents with degrees

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Low % of residents are degree-educated or similar 2/10


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Low crime rate 4/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 88%
Main religion
No Religion 49%
Main age band
Aged under 20 25%
Main household type
One-person household 33%
Immediate area
Average for South East


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No noise issues identified


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Transport stations 1

Outside London, only National Rail stations are included

Amenities within 0.5 miles

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Food stores 10+

  • Co Op
    0.5 miles
  • Russell Howard Park Bowls Club
    0.2 miles
    Convenience store
  • One Stop
    0.2 miles
    Convenience store


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Resident reviews

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5.8Quite residential neigbourhood

Catsanddogs, Apr 17 2024

Portsmouth Way, RG22 6HF

Residential neighbourhood, quite, quick drive to the mainline railway station, good shopping, nice curry restaurant Red rose and quick taxi to the city centre.


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  • Affluence
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Noise
  • Transport
  • Amenities
  • Schools
  • Environment
  • Reviews