11 important facts

Area insights about Ragstone Road, Slough, SL1 2PW


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Area of average wealth 5/10

Deprived area

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Deprivation level 7/10

Professional occupations

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Low % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 3/10

Residents with degrees

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Average % of residents are degree-educated or similar 6/10


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High crime rate 7/10


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Main ethnic group
Pakistani 35%
Main religion
Muslim 43%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 45%
Main household type
Multiple families or unrelated people 36%
Immediate area
Average for South East


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Noise issues are identified

  • Road Traffic Noise
  • Rail Traffic Noise


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Outside London, only National Rail stations are included

Amenities within 0.5 miles

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No supermarkets

Food stores 10+

  • H & S Fresh Halal Meat
    74 yards
    Convenience store
  • Imran Halal Meat & Grocery
    81 yards
    Convenience store
  • J'S Chemist
    98 yards
    Convenience store


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Resident reviews

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7.1The new Reading

London finance professional, May 12 2024

High Street, SL1 1DZ

ADIA bought the shopping mall and are demolishing it, building thousands of new quality flats. This area will experience a tremendous improvement by 2026-2028 very much like R...


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  • Affluence
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Noise
  • Transport
  • Amenities
  • Schools
  • Environment
  • Reviews