Crime Rates in Adeyfield West, ward
Crime Rate
Low 3/10
Annual total crime rate in Adeyfield West (ward) is 75.6 per thousand resident population. This can be rated as 3 out of 10 or low crime level compared to other wards in England and Wales.
Adeyfield West (ward) is located within Dacorum (borough). Annual total crime rate in Dacorum (borough) is 86.2 crimes per thousand resident population, which can be rated as 4 out of 10 or low crime level compared to other local authority districts in England and Wales.
Adeyfield West, (ward) includes areas with the following crime ratings (see map):
- 3/10 or low
- 4/10 or low
- 6/10 or medium
Crime rates in Adeyfield West (ward) by type
Data source:
Nov 2023 - Oct 2024
Above are annual crime rates in Adeyfield West (ward) by crime type.
The figures in black represent the number of crimes of a certain type per thousand resident population in Adeyfield West (ward).
The figures in grey indicate the relative ratings of Adeyfield West (ward) for a specific crime type compared to other wards in England and Wales.
Higher ratings correspond to higher crime rates.
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Historical crime rates in Adeyfield West (ward), Dacorum (local authority district) and East of England (region)
- Adeyfield Westward
- DacorumLAD
- East of Englandregion
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Data source:
Nov 2023 - Oct 2024
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