10 important facts

Area insights about Custom House, ward


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Includes low-income areas, areas of average wealth and wealthy areas 4/10 - 7/10


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Composed of non-deprived areas by 0%


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Low crime rate 3/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 22%
Main religion
Christian 53%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 35%
Main household type
Single-family: with dependent children 30%
Custom House (ward)
Average for London


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  • 32.9% of the area is affected by Traffic noise
  • 28.4% of the area is affected by Aircraft noise


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No transport stations found in this area


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Food stores 10+

  • B J Wines
    Convenience store
  • Butchers Road Newsagents
    Convenience store
  • Central News
    Convenience store

Schools 6 mainstream schools

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Flood risk

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Contains areas that are at risk of flood

Resident reviews

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1.8Eerie street

Johnson, Mar 29 2024

Prince Regent Lane, E16 3JH

Found drunk people just outside the door of my building many times, the Ladbroke brings a lot of weirdos around. Would definitely not recommend living next to it. I never had ...


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