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Schools in Edenbridge South and West, ward
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Edenbridge Primary School
23 yardsGood AcademiesPrimaryLingfield College
1.4 milesNo rating Independent All-throughDormansland Primary School
1.7 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryFour Elms Primary School
1.8 milesNo rating AcademiesPrimaryCrockham Hill Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
2.2 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryHolland Junior School
2.3 milesNo rating AcademiesPrimaryChiddingstone Church of England School
2.4 milesOutstanding AcademiesPrimaryLingfield Primary School
2.7 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryHurst Green Infant School
2.9 milesNo rating AcademiesPrimaryBlackwell Primary School
3.0 milesGood AcademiesPrimarySackville School
3.1 milesGood Local authority maintained Secondary, 16 plusEstcots Primary School
3.1 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryHazelwood School
3.2 milesNo rating Independent Primary, SecondaryAshurst Wood Primary School
3.2 milesRequires improvement Local authority maintained PrimaryBaldwins Hill Primary School, East Grinstead
3.4 milesGood AcademiesPrimarySt Mary's CofE Primary School, East Grinstead
3.5 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryLimpsfield CofE Infant School
3.5 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryBrambletye School
3.6 milesNo rating Independent Primary, SecondarySt Stephen's CofE Primary School
3.7 milesGood AcademiesPrimaryPenshurst Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
3.7 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryLast updated: 26.03.2025
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