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Schools in Hutton South, ward
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St Martin's School Brentwood
0.1 milesGood AcademiesSecondary, 16 plusHogarth Primary School
0.1 milesNo rating AcademiesPrimaryLong Ridings Primary School
0.3 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryBrentwood County High School
0.3 milesGood AcademiesSecondary, 16 plusSt Joseph the Worker Catholic Primary School
0.4 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryWillowbrook Primary School
0.4 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryShenfield St. Mary's Church of England Primary School
0.5 milesOutstanding AcademiesPrimaryShenfield High School
0.5 milesGood AcademiesSecondary, 16 plusBrentwood Ursuline Convent High School
0.5 milesGood AcademiesSecondary, 16 plusBrentwood School
0.6 milesNo rating Independent All-throughHutton All Saints' Church of England Primary School
0.6 milesGood AcademiesPrimaryWarley Primary School
0.9 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimarySt Thomas of Canterbury Church of England Aided Primary School, Brentwood
0.9 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryIngrave Johnstone Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
1.0 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimarySt Helen's Catholic Junior School
1.0 milesGood AcademiesPrimarySt Helen's Catholic Infant School
1.0 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryBecket Keys Church of England Free School
1.1 milesOutstanding Free Secondary, 16 plusHolly Trees Primary School
1.1 milesGood Local authority maintained PrimaryWoodlands School Hutton Manor
1.1 milesNo rating Independent PrimaryUrsuline Preparatory School
1.5 milesNo rating Independent PrimaryLast updated: 12.03.2025
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