11 important facts

Area insights about Hammersmith and Fulham, borough


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Includes areas of average wealth and wealthy areas 5/10 - 9/10


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Composed of non-deprived areas by 23%

Professional occupations

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High % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 8/10

Residents with degrees

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High % of residents are degree-educated or similar 9/10


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Medium crime rate 6/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 38%
Main religion
Christian 46%
Main age band
Aged 20 to 39 41%
Main household type
One-person household 36%
Hammersmith and Fulham (borough)
Average for London


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  • 30.6% of the area is affected by Traffic noise


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The area is served by the transport links:

  • Underground
    • Central
    • Circle
    • District
    • Hammersmith & City
    • Piccadilly
  • Overground
    • London Overground
  • National Rail
    • Southern


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68 mainstream schools

  • Outstanding: 20 schools or 29%
  • Good: 32 schools or 47%
  • Primary schools: 54 (16 Outstanding, 24 Good)
  • Secondary schools: 17 (4 Outstanding, 8 Good)
  • State-funded: 49 schools or 72%
  • Private: 17 schools or 25%

Flood risk

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Contains areas that are at risk of flood

Resident reviews

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8.0 A very special place. It really does…

Lin, Nov 10 2023

Finlay Street, SW6 6HF

A very special place. It really does not get better in London! It is attractive to students in the nearby universities in the Kensington area. A lot of young couples, expatria...


7.8It's a typical West London street of…

Rebbow, Nov 9 2022

Charleville Road, W14 9JH

It's a typical West London street with rows of terraced houses. In general, the area is very pleasant though I lived there pre-pandemic. I guess if I lived there during the pa...


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