10 important facts

Area insights about Madginford Road, Maidstone, ME15 8LE


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Wealthy area 7/10

Non-deprived area

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Deprivation level 1/10

Professional occupations

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Average % of managerial, administrative, and professional occupations 5/10

Residents with degrees

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Low % of residents are degree-educated or similar 3/10


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Low crime rate 1/10


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Main ethnic group
White British 93%
Main religion
Christian 67%
Main age band
Aged 60 to 79 43%
Main household type
One-person household 43%
Immediate area
Average for South East


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No noise issues identified


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Transport stations 1

Outside London, only National Rail stations are included

Amenities within 0.5 miles

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Food stores 7

  • Co-op
    132 yards
  • Morrisons Daily
    132 yards
    Convenience store
  • Paydens Ltd
    0.3 miles
    Convenience store


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Resident reviews

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8.3its clean safe and beautiful

bearsted resisdents, Sept 21 2023

Ashford Road, ME14 4LP

its clean safe and beautiful with mostly families with kids or older people loving inside with many green spaces all around and some small food places


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  • Affluence
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Noise
  • Transport
  • Amenities
  • Schools
  • Environment
  • Reviews