This method returns Census 2021 estimates that classify households by tenure.
Tenure of household defines whether a household owns or rents the accommodation that it occupies.
Owner-occupied accommodation can be:
- owned outright, which is where the household owns all of the accommodation
- with a mortgage or loan
- part-owned on a shared ownership scheme
Rented accommodation can be:
- private rented, for example, rented through a private landlord or letting agent
- social rented through a local council or housing association
This information is not available for household spaces with no usual residents.
“Tenure of household” is split into 15 categories including total.
The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
Name | Description |
location path string | Postcode, coordinates in the lat,long format or UPRN in the uprn12345678 format. |
area_type query enum | Area types used in Census 2021. The method returns results based on the inclusion of the postcode/coordinate/UPRN within the designated geographical area. For instance, when using 'oa' as a parameter, the returned results will be for the Output Area that contains the specified postcode/coordinate/UPRN.
api_key query enum | Your API key. DEMO key allows you to test the method in the W6 0 postcode sector, or in the [[51.492, -0.25], [51.502, -0.225]] rectangle. |