Economic activity status
This method returns Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over by economic activity status.
People aged 16 years and over are economically active if, between 15 March and 21 March 2021, they were:
- in employment (an employee or self-employed)
- unemployed, but looking for work and could start within two weeks
- unemployed, but waiting to start a job that had been offered and accepted
It is a measure of whether or not a person was an active participant in the labour market during this period. Economically inactive are those aged 16 years and over who did not have a job between 15 March to 21 March 2021 and had not looked for work between 22 February to 21 March 2021 or could not start work within two weeks.
The census definition differs from International Labour Organization definition used on the Labour Force Survey, so estimates are not directly comparable.
This classification splits out full-time students from those who are not full-time students when they are employed or unemployed. It is recommended to sum these together to look at all of those in employment or unemployed, or to use the four category labour market classification, if you want to look at all those with a particular labour market status.
The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
Name | Description |
location path string | Postcode, coordinates in the lat,long format or UPRN in the uprn12345678 format. |
area_type query enum | Area types used in Census 2021. The method returns results based on the inclusion of the postcode/coordinate/UPRN within the designated geographical area. For instance, when using 'oa' as a parameter, the returned results will be for the Output Area that contains the specified postcode/coordinate/UPRN.
api_key query enum | Your API key. DEMO key allows you to test the method in the W6 0 postcode sector, or in the [[51.492, -0.25], [51.502, -0.225]] rectangle. |