Planning applications in a map tile



This API method retrieves planning applications within a specified map tile that match the given filters. The tile is defined by the standard z, x and y parameters.

We use 4096 extent as defined by the Mapbox Vector Tile specification.

The type and status fields provide mapped type and status values respectively, processed using our internal algorithms for consistency and clarity.

Pricing: 1 credit for every 50 returned applications. So, if 51 applications are returned, it will count as 2 credits. If 0 applications are returned, it will still count as 1 credit.


Z coordinate of the tile (min 13, max 20)
X coordinate of the tile
Y coordinate of the tile
Show applications that have been updated within this number of days. The default is 3650 (10 years). Maximum is 36500 (100 years), minimum is 7 (1 week).
Which statuses planning applications should have. Default is all.

Which types planning applications should have. Default is all.

  • unknown - "Unknown". The application type is unknown.
  • full - "Full Application". Required for new buildings, major alterations, and land-use changes that don’t fall under permitted development. Example: Building a new house or converting a warehouse into apartments.
  • outline - "Outline Planning Permission". Establishes the general principle of development without full design details. Example: Seeking permission for a housing development before submitting detailed plans.
  • reservedMatters - "Reserved Matters Application". Follows an outline planning application to provide details such as layout, appearance, and access.
  • householder - "Householder Planning Permission". Used for small-scale home improvements that don’t fall under permitted development rights. Example: Adding a large extension, loft conversion, or garden building.
  • priorApproval - "Prior Approval". A streamlined process for some permitted developments where the council must approve specific aspects. Example: Office-to-residential conversions, larger home extensions.
  • priorNotification - "Prior Notification". Used to inform the council about certain works where minimal assessment is needed. Example: Demolition of a building, new agricultural structures.
  • advertisementConsent - "Advertisement Consent". Needed for displaying certain signs, billboards, or illuminated advertisements.
  • listedBuilding - "Listed Building Consent". Required for any changes to a listed building that may affect its character. Example: Replacing windows in a listed Georgian townhouse.
  • ldc - "Lawful Development Certificate". Confirms that an existing or proposed development is legal under planning law. Example: Verifying that a loft conversion falls under permitted development.
  • changeOfUse - "Change of Use". Needed when changing a building’s use class beyond what’s allowed under permitted development.
  • trees - "Works on Trees". Application is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and/or Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas (CA).
  • eia - "Environmental Impact Assessment". Required for large developments that could have significant environmental impacts. Example: A large industrial site, airport expansion, or major housing estate.
  • dischargeOfConditions - "Discharge of Conditions". Confirms that conditions attached to planning permission have been met. Example: Submitting materials samples before starting construction.
  • nonMaterialAmendment - "Non-Material Amendment". Used for minor changes to an approved planning permission that do not significantly alter the proposal. Example: Slightly adjusting a building’s window placement.
  • historic - "Historic Application". Typically used to store applications submitted before 1990 or when application rules were significantly different.
  • conservationAreaConsent - "Conservation Area Consent". Required for demolishing buildings in a conservation area. Example: Removing an old structure in a historic town centre.
  • hedgerowRemovalNotice - "Hedgerow Removal Notice". used by anyone proposing to remove a hedgerow, or part of a hedgerow, covered by the Hedgerows Regulations

Format of the response. Supported values:


Number of elements to be returned by the method.

The returned number of elements may be less than the requested amount if fewer elements are found based on your criteria (in very rare cases). The maximum value is 2000. To retrieve only the metadata, use the value 0.


Your API key.

DEMO key allows you to test the method in the W6 0 postcode sector, or in the [[51.492, -0.25], [51.502, -0.225]] rectangle.

Request URL:
Possible responses with examples
  "data": [
      "id": "0286a21e9678c2d89fe2a10786f3d0e0",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Replacement of existing windows to the front elevation at ground floor level with double-glazed timb...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.5024617,
      "longitude": -0.2505636
      "id": "052fa025f62173e1e142b6ba65594d9c",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a rear roof extension; erection of a rear extension at second floor level, over part of...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.502163,
      "longitude": -0.2510361
      "id": "10beef1deb8e6ea45242023d99f85556",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Retention of replacement boundary wall fence and front entrance gate in the front garden.",
      "status": "Refused",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.502226,
      "longitude": -0.25172
      "id": "1aa10b9130346be0c5bbd3c1ee040431",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a single storey rear extension, to the side of the existing back addition. (revised desc...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.502893,
      "longitude": -0.251123
      "id": "20d18b6b61ed2e00692ec230e7fbd026",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a rear roof extension; and installation of 2no. rooflights in the front roofslope.",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.5022268,
      "longitude": -0.2516964
      "id": "230f31bccc8f2e00e85bc5d2ff031ac2",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a rear roof extension to the main roof and over part of the existing back addition; inst...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.5023992,
      "longitude": -0.2499896
      "id": "26ce0857485de0e209eb7f9430b96e48",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a rear roof extension; erection of rear extensions at ground, first and second floor lev...",
      "status": "Refused",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.503409,
      "longitude": -0.250167
      "id": "275c9c74f39622d30e6da7eb99da8b81",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a rear roof extension; erection of a rear extension at second floor level, on top of exi...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.502,
      "longitude": -0.250431
      "id": "27abbab880460c7aab9ec750cfee0dd5",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 2018/00386/FUL granted 9th April 2018 for the 'Er...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Non-Material Amendment",
      "latitude": 51.5025595,
      "longitude": -0.2510929
      "id": "2ce5524c0103eb82d3b1f65ea9873a2d",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Installation of French doors to replace the existing window in the rear roofslope; erection of priva...",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.5022452,
      "longitude": -0.2505142
      "id": "2dacbc26e7d735c315071f67bebd321c",
      "url": "",
      "description": "Erection of a single storey outbuilding in the rear garden.",
      "status": "Approved",
      "type": "Full Application",
      "latitude": 51.5022882,
      "longitude": -0.250988
  "error": "No such API key or it is not valid anymore."
Payment Required
  "error": "You have exhausted the available calls provided by your package."
  "error": "API key is invalid for the given action."
Too Many Requests
  "error": "Too many requests have been sent in one second."
Internal Server Error
  "error": "We have already started working on a resolution!"
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