A few important facts

Ethnic Makeup in Brent, borough

Main ethnicity


Higher than average

Other Asian
Black Caribbean

Lower than average

White British
Brent (borough)
Average for London

Ethnic Makeup

Indian 19%
Other White 16%
White British 15%
Black African 9%
Other Asian 7%
Black Caribbean 6%
Arab 5%
Mixed 5%
Other 5%
Pakistani 4%
White Irish 2.7%
Other Black 2.1%
Chinese 1%
Roma 0.7%
Bangladeshi 0.6%
Gypsy 0.1%

Ethnic Makeup of wards within Brent (borough)

Ward nameMain ethnicity%
1. StonebridgeBlack African26%
2. RoundwoodBlack African18%
3. Wembley CentralIndian56%
4. AlpertonIndian44%
5. KentonIndian39%
6. Wembley HillIndian37%
7. TokyngtonIndian36%
8. QueensburyIndian33%
9. SudburyIndian30%
10. Northwick ParkIndian30%
11. PrestonIndian23%
12. BarnhillIndian17%
13. Willesden GreenOther White21%
14. Welsh HarpOther White20%
15. KingsburyOther White18%
16. Dollis HillOther White16%
17. Queens ParkWhite British38%
18. Brondesbury ParkWhite British29%
19. KilburnWhite British23%
20. Cricklewood & MapesburyWhite British23%
21. Harlesden & Kensal GreenWhite British21%
22. Wembley ParkWhite British20%

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Brent (borough) displays distinctive ethnic group characteristics:

The main ethnic group is Indian, representing 19% of the population. On average, 7% of the population in London belong to the Indian ethnic group.

The following ethnic groups have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Indian comprise 19%, while average for London is 7%
  • Other Asian comprise 7%, while average for London is 5%
  • Black Caribbean comprise 6%, while average for London is 4%
  • Arab comprise 5%, while average for London is 1.6%

Conversely, the following ethnic groups have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • White British comprise 15%, while average for London is 37%
  • Bangladeshi comprise 0.6%, while average for London is 4%

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

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A few important facts

Religion in Brent, borough

Main religion


Higher than average


Lower than average

No Religion
Brent (borough)
Average for London


Christian 39%
Muslim 21%
Hindu 16%
No Religion 14%
Religion Not Stated 7%
Other Religion 1.3%
Jewish 1.1%
Buddhist 0.9%
Sikh 0.5%

Religion of wards within Brent (borough)

Ward nameMain religion%
1. Harlesden & Kensal GreenChristian48%
2. RoundwoodChristian47%
3. Welsh HarpChristian46%
4. Wembley HillChristian46%
5. TokyngtonChristian45%
6. Willesden GreenChristian43%
7. Queens ParkChristian42%
8. KingsburyChristian41%
9. StonebridgeChristian40%
10. Dollis HillChristian39%
11. KilburnChristian39%
12. Cricklewood & MapesburyChristian39%
13. PrestonChristian38%
14. QueensburyChristian37%
15. BarnhillChristian37%
16. Brondesbury ParkChristian36%
17. Northwick ParkChristian34%
18. KentonChristian33%
19. SudburyChristian33%
20. Wembley ParkChristian32%
21. Wembley CentralHindu46%
22. AlpertonHindu44%

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Brent (borough) displays distinctive religion characteristics:

The main religion is Christian, representing 39% of the population. On average, 41% of the population in London belong to the Christian religion.

The following religions have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Hindu comprise 16%, while average for London is 5%
  • Muslim comprise 21%, while average for London is 15%

Conversely, the following religions have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • No Religion comprise 14%, while average for London is 27%

Explore religion in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Religion in Barnet
  • Religion in Camden
  • Religion in Ealing
  • Religion in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Religion in Harrow
  • Religion in Kensington and Chelsea
  • Religion in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Residents Age in Brent, borough

Main age band

Aged 20 to 39
Brent (borough)
Average for London

Residents Age

Aged 20 to 39 33%
Aged 40 to 59 27%
Aged under 20 24%
Aged 60 to 79 13%
Aged 80 and over 3%

Residents Age of wards within Brent (borough)

Ward nameMain age band%
1. Wembley ParkAged 20 to 3958%
2. Cricklewood & MapesburyAged 20 to 3937%
3. KilburnAged 20 to 3936%
4. Willesden GreenAged 20 to 3935%
5. PrestonAged 20 to 3934%
6. AlpertonAged 20 to 3934%
7. Wembley HillAged 20 to 3934%
8. Wembley CentralAged 20 to 3934%
9. SudburyAged 20 to 3933%
10. Brondesbury ParkAged 20 to 3933%
11. QueensburyAged 20 to 3933%
12. KingsburyAged 20 to 3932%
13. Queens ParkAged 20 to 3932%
14. TokyngtonAged 20 to 3931%
15. StonebridgeAged 20 to 3930%
16. Welsh HarpAged 20 to 3930%
17. BarnhillAged 20 to 3930%
18. Northwick ParkAged 20 to 3929%
19. Dollis HillAged 20 to 3929%
20. KentonAged 20 to 3929%
21. RoundwoodAged 20 to 3929%
22. Harlesden & Kensal GreenAged 40 to 5930%

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Brent (borough) displays distinctive age band characteristics:

The main age band is Aged 20 to 39, representing 33% of the population. On average, 33% of the population in London belong to the Aged 20 to 39 age band.

Explore residents age in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Residents age in Barnet
  • Residents age in Camden
  • Residents age in Ealing
  • Residents age in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Residents age in Harrow
  • Residents age in Kensington and Chelsea
  • Residents age in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Household Type in Brent, borough

Main household type

One-person household

Higher than average

Multiple families or unrelated people
Brent (borough)
Average for London

Household Type

One-person household 27%
Single-family: with dependent children 26%
Multiple families or unrelated people 17%
Single-family: with non-dependent children 14%
Single-family: no children 11%
Single-family: all aged 66 and over 4%
Single-family: other 2%

Household Type of wards within Brent (borough)

Ward nameMain household type%
1. Wembley CentralMultiple families or unrelated people29%
2. TokyngtonMultiple families or unrelated people27%
3. KilburnOne-person household39%
4. Brondesbury ParkOne-person household35%
5. Cricklewood & MapesburyOne-person household34%
6. Harlesden & Kensal GreenOne-person household32%
7. RoundwoodOne-person household32%
8. Willesden GreenOne-person household32%
9. Queens ParkOne-person household31%
10. Wembley ParkOne-person household29%
11. StonebridgeSingle-family: with dependent children32%
12. BarnhillSingle-family: with dependent children30%
13. Dollis HillSingle-family: with dependent children29%
14. PrestonSingle-family: with dependent children29%
15. KingsburySingle-family: with dependent children28%
16. SudburySingle-family: with dependent children28%
17. Welsh HarpSingle-family: with dependent children27%
18. AlpertonSingle-family: with dependent children26%
19. Wembley HillSingle-family: with dependent children24%
20. Northwick ParkSingle-family: with dependent children24%
21. QueensburySingle-family: with dependent children24%
22. KentonSingle-family: with dependent children23%

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Brent (borough) displays distinctive household type characteristics:

The main household type is One-person household, representing 27% of the population. On average, 29% of the population in London belong to the One-person household household type.

The following household types have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Multiple families or unrelated people comprise 17%, while average for London is 13%

Explore household type in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Household type in Barnet
  • Household type in Camden
  • Household type in Ealing
  • Household type in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Household type in Harrow
  • Household type in Kensington and Chelsea
  • Household type in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021