A few important facts

Ethnic Makeup in Islington, borough

Main ethnicity

White British

Higher than average

White Irish
Other White

Lower than average

Islington (borough)
Average for London

Ethnic Makeup

White British 40%
Other White 19%
Black African 8%
Mixed 7%
Other 6%
Black Caribbean 3%
White Irish 3%
Bangladeshi 2.8%
Other Asian 2.5%
Chinese 2.4%
Indian 1.9%
Other Black 1.5%
Arab 1.4%
Pakistani 0.5%
Roma 0.4%
Gypsy 0%

Ethnic Makeup of wards within Islington (borough)

Ward nameMain ethnicity%
1. BarnsburyWhite British48%
2. HighburyWhite British47%
3. St Mary's & St James'White British44%
4. CanonburyWhite British44%
5. Tufnell ParkWhite British42%
6. MildmayWhite British41%
7. JunctionWhite British41%
8. LaycockWhite British41%
9. ArsenalWhite British41%
10. ClerkenwellWhite British40%
11. HillriseWhite British40%
12. St Peter's & CanalsideWhite British38%
13. TollingtonWhite British38%
14. BunhillWhite British35%
15. HollowayWhite British35%
16. Finsbury ParkWhite British30%
17. CaledonianWhite British30%

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Islington (borough) displays distinctive ethnic group characteristics:

The main ethnic group is White British, representing 40% of the population. On average, 37% of the population in London belong to the White British ethnic group.

The following ethnic groups have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • White Irish comprise 3%, while average for London is 1.8%
  • Other White comprise 19%, while average for London is 15%

Conversely, the following ethnic groups have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • Indian comprise 1.9%, while average for London is 7%
  • Pakistani comprise 0.5%, while average for London is 3%

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

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A few important facts

Religion in Islington, borough

Main religion

No Religion

Higher than average

No Religion

Lower than average

Islington (borough)
Average for London


No Religion 41%
Christian 35%
Muslim 12%
Religion Not Stated 8%
Other Religion 1.4%
Jewish 1.3%
Hindu 1%
Buddhist 0.8%
Sikh 0.3%

Religion of wards within Islington (borough)

Ward nameMain religion%
1. CaledonianChristian36%
2. HighburyNo Religion46%
3. Tufnell ParkNo Religion45%
4. BarnsburyNo Religion44%
5. St Mary's & St James'No Religion44%
6. MildmayNo Religion43%
7. ArsenalNo Religion42%
8. JunctionNo Religion42%
9. TollingtonNo Religion42%
10. CanonburyNo Religion41%
11. ClerkenwellNo Religion41%
12. HollowayNo Religion41%
13. St Peter's & CanalsideNo Religion39%
14. LaycockNo Religion39%
15. HillriseNo Religion38%
16. BunhillNo Religion38%
17. Finsbury ParkNo Religion34%

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Islington (borough) displays distinctive religion characteristics:

The main religion is No Religion, representing 41% of the population. On average, 27% of the population in London belong to the No Religion religion.

The following religions have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • No Religion comprise 41%, while average for London is 27%

Conversely, the following religions have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • Hindu comprise 1%, while average for London is 5%
  • Sikh comprise 0.3%, while average for London is 1.6%

Explore religion in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Religion in Barnet
  • Religion in Camden
  • Religion in City of London
  • Religion in Hackney
  • Religion in Haringey
  • Religion in Tower Hamlets
  • Religion in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Residents Age in Islington, borough

Main age band

Aged 20 to 39

Higher than average

Aged 20 to 39
Islington (borough)
Average for London

Residents Age

Aged 20 to 39 43%
Aged 40 to 59 24%
Aged under 20 19%
Aged 60 to 79 11%
Aged 80 and over 2.3%

Residents Age of wards within Islington (borough)

Ward nameMain age band%
1. HollowayAged 20 to 3948%
2. St Peter's & CanalsideAged 20 to 3947%
3. BunhillAged 20 to 3946%
4. ArsenalAged 20 to 3946%
5. CaledonianAged 20 to 3946%
6. Finsbury ParkAged 20 to 3945%
7. TollingtonAged 20 to 3945%
8. St Mary's & St James'Aged 20 to 3944%
9. BarnsburyAged 20 to 3944%
10. LaycockAged 20 to 3944%
11. MildmayAged 20 to 3943%
12. ClerkenwellAged 20 to 3942%
13. HighburyAged 20 to 3941%
14. JunctionAged 20 to 3940%
15. CanonburyAged 20 to 3940%
16. Tufnell ParkAged 20 to 3939%
17. HillriseAged 20 to 3936%

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Islington (borough) displays distinctive age band characteristics:

The main age band is Aged 20 to 39, representing 43% of the population. On average, 33% of the population in London belong to the Aged 20 to 39 age band.

The following age bands have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Aged 20 to 39 comprise 43%, while average for London is 33%

Explore residents age in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Residents age in Barnet
  • Residents age in Camden
  • Residents age in City of London
  • Residents age in Hackney
  • Residents age in Haringey
  • Residents age in Tower Hamlets
  • Residents age in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Household Type in Islington, borough

Main household type

One-person household

Higher than average

One-person household
Single-family: no children

Lower than average

Single-family: all aged 66 and over
Single-family: with dependent children
Islington (borough)
Average for London

Household Type

One-person household 36%
Single-family: with dependent children 20%
Single-family: no children 18%
Multiple families or unrelated people 13%
Single-family: with non-dependent children 8%
Single-family: all aged 66 and over 2.2%
Single-family: other 1.9%

Household Type of wards within Islington (borough)

Ward nameMain household type%
1. BunhillOne-person household40%
2. ClerkenwellOne-person household40%
3. St Peter's & CanalsideOne-person household40%
4. JunctionOne-person household38%
5. BarnsburyOne-person household37%
6. St Mary's & St James'One-person household37%
7. LaycockOne-person household36%
8. ArsenalOne-person household35%
9. CaledonianOne-person household35%
10. Tufnell ParkOne-person household35%
11. Finsbury ParkOne-person household35%
12. CanonburyOne-person household35%
13. TollingtonOne-person household35%
14. HollowayOne-person household34%
15. MildmayOne-person household34%
16. HillriseOne-person household34%
17. HighburyOne-person household34%

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Islington (borough) displays distinctive household type characteristics:

The main household type is One-person household, representing 36% of the population. On average, 29% of the population in London belong to the One-person household household type.

The following household types have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • One-person household comprise 36%, while average for London is 29%
  • Single-family: no children comprise 18%, while average for London is 14%

Conversely, the following household types have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • Single-family: all aged 66 and over comprise 2.2%, while average for London is 4%
  • Single-family: with dependent children comprise 20%, while average for London is 27%

Explore household type in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Household type in Barnet
  • Household type in Camden
  • Household type in City of London
  • Household type in Hackney
  • Household type in Haringey
  • Household type in Tower Hamlets
  • Household type in Westminster

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021