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A few important facts

Ethnic Makeup in Hounslow, borough

Main ethnicity

White British

Higher than average

Other Asian

Lower than average

White British
Black Caribbean
Hounslow (borough)
Average for London

Ethnic Makeup

White British 28%
Indian 21%
Other White 14%
Other Asian 8%
Pakistani 6%
Other 5%
Black African 5%
Mixed 5%
Arab 1.9%
White Irish 1.4%
Black Caribbean 1.2%
Bangladeshi 0.9%
Chinese 0.9%
Other Black 0.8%
Roma 0.3%
Gypsy 0.1%

Ethnic Makeup of wards within Hounslow (borough)

Ward nameMain ethnicity%
1. Hounslow WestIndian44%
2. Hounslow CentralIndian42%
3. Heston CentralIndian40%
4. CranfordIndian38%
5. Heston EastIndian37%
6. Heston WestIndian35%
7. Hounslow HeathIndian32%
8. Hounslow EastIndian30%
9. Osterley & Spring GroveIndian25%
10. Chiswick RiversideWhite British51%
11. Chiswick HomefieldsWhite British50%
12. Brentford WestWhite British44%
13. Chiswick GunnersburyWhite British42%
14. IsleworthWhite British42%
15. Hanworth VillageWhite British42%
16. Hanworth ParkWhite British41%
17. Feltham WestWhite British39%
18. Syon & Brentford LockWhite British38%
19. BedfontWhite British37%
20. Hounslow SouthWhite British34%
21. Feltham NorthWhite British33%
22. Brentford EastWhite British31%

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Hounslow (borough) displays distinctive ethnic group characteristics:

The main ethnic group is White British, representing 28% of the population. On average, 37% of the population in London belong to the White British ethnic group.

The following ethnic groups have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Indian comprise 21%, while average for London is 7%
  • Pakistani comprise 6%, while average for London is 3%
  • Other Asian comprise 8%, while average for London is 5%

Conversely, the following ethnic groups have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • White British comprise 28%, while average for London is 37%
  • Bangladeshi comprise 0.9%, while average for London is 4%
  • Black Caribbean comprise 1.2%, while average for London is 4%

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Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

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A few important facts

Religion in Hounslow, borough

Main religion


Higher than average


Lower than average

No Religion
Hounslow (borough)
Average for London


Christian 38%
No Religion 19%
Muslim 17%
Hindu 9%
Sikh 9%
Religion Not Stated 6%
Buddhist 1.4%
Other Religion 0.8%
Jewish 0.2%

Religion of wards within Hounslow (borough)

Ward nameMain religion%
1. Chiswick HomefieldsChristian47%
2. Brentford WestChristian45%
3. Hanworth ParkChristian44%
4. Feltham NorthChristian43%
5. Hounslow SouthChristian43%
6. IsleworthChristian43%
7. Hanworth VillageChristian42%
8. Feltham WestChristian42%
9. Chiswick RiversideChristian42%
10. Chiswick GunnersburyChristian42%
11. Syon & Brentford LockChristian41%
12. Brentford EastChristian40%
13. BedfontChristian40%
14. Hounslow WestChristian39%
15. Hounslow CentralChristian38%
16. CranfordChristian38%
17. Osterley & Spring GroveChristian36%
18. Hounslow EastChristian35%
19. Hounslow HeathChristian35%
20. Heston CentralChristian28%
21. Heston WestSikh30%
22. Heston EastSikh26%

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Hounslow (borough) displays distinctive religion characteristics:

The main religion is Christian, representing 38% of the population. On average, 41% of the population in London belong to the Christian religion.

The following religions have proportions higher than average for the London:

  • Hindu comprise 9%, while average for London is 5%
  • Sikh comprise 9%, while average for London is 1.6%

Conversely, the following religions have a proportion lower than the average for London:

  • No Religion comprise 19%, while average for London is 27%
  • Jewish comprise 0.2%, while average for London is 1.7%

Explore religion in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Religion in Ealing
  • Religion in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Religion in Merton
  • Religion in Richmond upon Thames
  • Religion in Runnymede
  • Religion in Spelthorne
  • Religion in Wandsworth

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Residents Age in Hounslow, borough

Main age band

Aged 20 to 39
Hounslow (borough)
Average for London

Residents Age

Aged 20 to 39 31%
Aged 40 to 59 28%
Aged under 20 25%
Aged 60 to 79 14%
Aged 80 and over 2.9%

Residents Age of wards within Hounslow (borough)

Ward nameMain age band%
1. Hounslow CentralAged 20 to 3939%
2. Brentford EastAged 20 to 3936%
3. Hounslow EastAged 20 to 3934%
4. Syon & Brentford LockAged 20 to 3934%
5. Chiswick GunnersburyAged 20 to 3933%
6. Hounslow WestAged 20 to 3933%
7. Heston EastAged 20 to 3932%
8. CranfordAged 20 to 3932%
9. Brentford WestAged 20 to 3931%
10. Heston CentralAged 20 to 3931%
11. Osterley & Spring GroveAged 20 to 3931%
12. Feltham WestAged 20 to 3931%
13. Hounslow HeathAged 20 to 3930%
14. BedfontAged 20 to 3930%
15. Heston WestAged 20 to 3930%
16. Feltham NorthAged 20 to 3929%
17. Hanworth ParkAged 20 to 3928%
18. Chiswick RiversideAged 40 to 5931%
19. Chiswick HomefieldsAged 40 to 5931%
20. Hounslow SouthAged 40 to 5929%
21. IsleworthAged 40 to 5929%
22. Hanworth VillageAged 40 to 5928%

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Hounslow (borough) displays distinctive age band characteristics:

The main age band is Aged 20 to 39, representing 31% of the population. On average, 33% of the population in London belong to the Aged 20 to 39 age band.

Explore residents age in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Residents age in Ealing
  • Residents age in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Residents age in Merton
  • Residents age in Richmond upon Thames
  • Residents age in Runnymede
  • Residents age in Spelthorne
  • Residents age in Wandsworth

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021

A few important facts

Household Type in Hounslow, borough

Main household type

Single-family: with dependent children
Hounslow (borough)
Average for London

Household Type

Single-family: with dependent children 29%
One-person household 25%
Multiple families or unrelated people 14%
Single-family: with non-dependent children 13%
Single-family: no children 12%
Single-family: all aged 66 and over 4%
Single-family: other 1.5%

Household Type of wards within Hounslow (borough)

Ward nameMain household type%
1. Chiswick GunnersburyOne-person household37%
2. Brentford WestOne-person household33%
3. Syon & Brentford LockOne-person household32%
4. Brentford EastOne-person household32%
5. Chiswick HomefieldsOne-person household31%
6. Chiswick RiversideOne-person household31%
7. Feltham WestSingle-family: with dependent children36%
8. Hounslow CentralSingle-family: with dependent children34%
9. Hounslow HeathSingle-family: with dependent children33%
10. Hanworth VillageSingle-family: with dependent children33%
11. IsleworthSingle-family: with dependent children32%
12. Hounslow EastSingle-family: with dependent children31%
13. Hanworth ParkSingle-family: with dependent children31%
14. BedfontSingle-family: with dependent children30%
15. Heston CentralSingle-family: with dependent children30%
16. Heston WestSingle-family: with dependent children30%
17. Heston EastSingle-family: with dependent children30%
18. Hounslow SouthSingle-family: with dependent children29%
19. Osterley & Spring GroveSingle-family: with dependent children28%
20. Hounslow WestSingle-family: with dependent children28%
21. CranfordSingle-family: with dependent children28%
22. Feltham NorthSingle-family: with dependent children27%

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Hounslow (borough) displays distinctive household type characteristics:

The main household type is Single-family: with dependent children, representing 29% of the population. On average, 27% of the population in London belong to the Single-family: with dependent children household type.

Explore household type in nearby boroughs/local authority districts

  • Household type in Ealing
  • Household type in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Household type in Merton
  • Household type in Richmond upon Thames
  • Household type in Runnymede
  • Household type in Spelthorne
  • Household type in Wandsworth

Data source: Office for National Statistics

Census 2021